Abhishek’s Homepage

About Me

I am an incoming student at Carnegie Mellon University pursuing a Masters in Robotics Systems Development for Fall ‘24. I currently work as a research assistant at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) with Prof. Rajiv Soundararajan on quality analysis of AI generated images using multimodal models and novel view synthesis with sparse inputs using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs). I was previously a software development engineer for Design.AI, a startup aiming to create an AI Assistant in Figma to aid UI/UX designers by boosting creativity and increasing efficiency. When I am not working, you will likely find me going on hikes with my dslr, playing a game of chess (usually multiple), watching Max Verstappen dominate the current F1 season, or working on a robotics passion project.

Professional Interests

I envision a society where teams of mobile robots are contributing to our wellbeing on a daily basis. From mundane tasks like last mile delivery, to more extreme applications such as aiding firefighters, environmental clean ups, disaster relief and search and rescue.

To that extent, my current interests lie in the intersection of Robotics and Machine Learning. More specifically, a few focus areas that I am currently interested in -

  • Automation of Multi-Agent teams
  • Improving multimodal capabilities of embodied agents for communication in natural language
  • Context aware path planning and navigation in an dynamic environment
  • 3D scene reconstruction and generalizable scene representations